Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fairy Garden Number "3"

This was a perfect day! The weather was delightful. Our stately large Oak tree kept the yard very comfortable.  I began working on the fairy camp or fairy garden #3 in my landscape.

Back in early April we removed many large older shrubs. We have learned not to cut the shrubs to the ground before digging up the stumps. Leaving 2' or 3' from the base allows for leverage when trying to move and remove stumps during the digging.  As usual, I saw potential! I quickly dragged the stumps off and hid them.

Last week I tried to remove as much of the soil as possible with my trowel. I used the hose sprayer to remove the rest of the dirt that remained.

The clean stumps sat for a few days and dried nicely. I thought they were perfect for the fairy garden. I planted them in a 4' by 15' garden along the side fence line toward the back of the garden. Some I planted upside down. This will allow me to elevate fairy houses and also give me places to hang the hammocks I am building. One of the shrubs will be filled with tea cup swings.

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