Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Fairy Who Builds

Twigs is the fairy who builds.  She is happiest when she is making some sort of physical structure. My current garden has a long list of future building projects. I am looking forward to getting the input from Twigs on all of these projects. I also look forward to the moments I can verbalize to my husband "Twigs and I do not agree with you." Not all projects go smoothly at our house. If fact when it comes to most projects, I have to decide at what point I say "win some loose some."
Before and after picture of Twigs. Her hair completely fell off when I was
cleaning her. She has new hair.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adopt a Fairy

Available for adoption.
The Seven Gypsy Fairies are not just part of the garden, they have become a part of the family. We will be happy when other gardeners foster or adopt a fairy thru The Sisterhood of the Seven Gypsy Garden Fairy rescue program.
I am still finding vintage dolls aka garden fairies to save. I will be bringing them with me when I make appearances. Hopefully others will find it in their hearts to help put them into the "fairy protection program" by assisting to create a new fairy identity.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Where are the Fairies?

This is little known secret about how the fairies spend the winter.

Some fairies choose to fly south for the winter. Just as some people like to enjoy warm sunshine all year, so do some fairies. Other fairies are so busy throughout the growing season they choose to rest for the winter.

In late summer or early fall the garden fairies search for places to sleep through the winter months.  I am fortunate to have a very large very old Oak tree in my garden. There are many nooks and crannies in this tree. There is also an old stone wall with many holes that appear as teeny tiny caves.

As autumn approaches, the fairies look for these hidden spots and start to gather things that can be used for a warm and comfy bedding. If you find a nook with dried grass, soft leaves of Lambs Ear and scented herbs like Lavender, you may have stumbled onto a winter fairy nest.

Just about the time that the last leaves fall from the trees, the fairies disappear. As a fairy falls into their deep winter sleep something magical happens. The fairy becomes a reflection of the winter fairy nest they have created. This is the reason you can’t find them in the garden.

The fairies will begin to wake when the Forsythias are finished blooming and the leaves start to show on many of the trees, shrubs and other plants in
the garden.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Seven Gypsy Fairies of Garden Harmony

Each of the fairies has a special talent in the garden. I will be sharing the stories of these talents in future posts.

These vintage treasures represent what I think the fairies in my garden look like. I have not seen my fairies but, I know they are there.

 "I don't need to see a million dollars to know it exists!"
        (Some form of this phrase is from a movie I saw.)

The vintage dolls before they became my seven fairies.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Naming a Fairy

When I met the seven fairies last Fall I never imagined it would be so difficult to name them. Yes, I gave them each a name but then some of the names seemed to be to .... vanilla? I am now happy with all but one. Originally named her Rosa Lynn. She was the first of the seven fairies to get a makeover.

 I wanted to welcome a few fairies to my garden. I did not want a version of the same fairy that is mass produced and has no story. The fairies in my garden would be one of a kind. In November I was browsing an antique store and a basket of old worn looking dolls caught my attention. I have never been attracted to old dolls. In fact I thought they are usually creepy, but this was different. These old dolls had these beautiful vintage faces. They cried out for a new home. They reminded me of Gypsies because they must have traveled to many places before we met. Thus, the tale began.
After fairy makeover