Friday, February 28, 2014

Folkloric Headdress

Designing the look of the Seven Gypsy Garden Fairies has taken great thought. It is evolving. I felt that some of the cloths where falling short of the way I wanted them to be.  I really like the headdress that I put on Cricket. Cricket is one of the smaller fairies.  Her look is so fun that I am working on headdresses for all of the fairies. It has also inspired me to a create Folkloric Headdress for myself.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Yesterday we planted Lavender seeds. One of the flower beds in the garden gets full sun most of the day.  It currently has a mix of perennials that remind me of a last plant collection garden. You know what I mean, "it was the last plant at the garden center and it was a real bargain." This garden also has a few invasive plants that need to go, one being poison oak. Ouch! I found that out the hard way.
If all goes according to plan it will be a mix of Lavender and Pink Rose bushes.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fairies in My Garden

Yep! There are fairies in my garden. In fact there are seven fairies in my garden. Each one has a unique gardening talent when shared together, they create garden harmony.

Over the next few weeks you will get to know each of them. I am working with the seven garden fairies to rejuvenate the older mature gardens of my new home. Its not really a new house, in fact it is a much older house. It is new to me. I moved to this location during the summer of 2013.

This is not the first time I have gardened with fairies. My last home had a fairy named Petal living in the garden. She made her home in a Crab Apple tree near our small pond.  Petal was my gardening muse. Together we took a blank canvas at a newly constructed house and built a charming secluded tiny forest and perennial garden. Petal stayed with the garden to welcome and assist the new homeowners.